There are a number of self hypnosis techniques that you can use for a variety of purposes, including building your self esteem. You may consider several or just one of the techniques to use on yourself depending on what you think will be the most effective for you. You may need to review each technique mentioned […]
Jessica’s “Daily Affirmation”
This is one of my favorite Affirmation Video’s. It’s a young girl named Jessica with incredible self esteem. This video has been viewed over 4 million times, and it’s really quite infectious! I try and watch this often, as I always feel good afterward. This is a great example of how powerful self esteem affirmations […]
Self Esteem Affirmations to Boost Your Self Esteem
Have you tried using self esteem affirmations yet? Healthy self esteem is critical to living and accomplishing great things in your life. Since some psychologists say that 70% of families in the world are dysfunctional, we know that the self esteem of children can suffer greatly and what we learn as children becomes the blueprint for our […]