That headline may seem contrary to everything I’ve written here on this blog so far, but it can be true. Let me clarify. Affirmations don’t work if you don’t use them correctly. First, the tendency for the mind is to have a battle between the conscious and subconscious over what is true. If your affirmation […]
Affirmations for Self Esteem Video
I’ve just created this video with some affirmations for a quick self esteem boost. I’ve paired some images with the affirmations to help you visualize the words. Remember to feel the emotions you want as you watch the video. If you like, you can repeat the affirmations out loud as the movie plays. Please let me […]
Boost Confidence Subliminal CD
Supercharge your self confidence boost and discover you have what it takes to live a fulfilled, exciting life! Using subliminal CDs to boost your self confidence can be an easy method for change. I’m working on a few and will share with you soon.